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The Perfect Picture Book
Authors and illustrators share what their picture books are perfect for

Miguel Must Fight!


⬇️ Author Jamie Ofelia shares about their picture book MIGUEL MUST FIGHT!

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for kids who love art and action-packed adventures!"

📚 "This book can also be used to improve Spanish vocabulary."

Author: Jamie Ofelia

Illustrator: Sara Palacios

Publisher: Little, Brown For Young Readers

Publication date: April 30th, 2024


📌 Website: JamieOfelia.com

📌 Twitter: @JamieOfelia

📌 Instagram: @JamieOfeliaWrites



⬇️ Author/illustrator Meg Auchenbach shares about their picture book IF YOU ARE AN ARTIST.

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for children who daydream, doodle, and ask...what if?"

📚 "This book can also be used as a supplement to an elementary visual arts curriculum, homeschool art classes, or as a creative conversation starter for any artsy child!"

Author/Illustrator: Meg Auchenbach

Publisher: Peter Pauper Press

Publication Date: February 1, 2024


📌 www.megauchenbach.com

📌 www.instagram.com/megauchenbachart

📌 www.twitter.com/megauchenbach

ANCESTORY: The Mystery and Majesty of Ancient Cave Art


⬇️ Author/illustrator Hannah Salyer shares about their picture book ANCESTORY: The Mystery and Majesty of Ancient Cave Art.

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for students of all ages to learn about our ancient ancestors and pieces of our collective past."

📚 "This book can also be used to help frame the context of early human life on our planet, and delve into early art history."

Author: Hannah Salyer

Illustrator: Hannah Salyer

Publisher: Harper Collins (Clarion)

Publication Date: April 11th, 2023


📌 instagram: @h.salyer

📌 website: hannahsalyer.com 

📌 twitter: @hansalyer