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The Perfect Picture Book
Authors and illustrators share what their picture books are perfect for

AN ACCIDENTAL HERO: A Mostly True Wombat Story


⬇️ Author Laura Roettiger shares about their picture book AN ACCIDENTAL HERO: A MOSTLY TRUE WOMBAT STORY.

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for children to see the devastation of forest fires but also the kindness of helping those in need with moments of humor and lightness as Wombat shares her burrow with other animal species."

📚 "This book can also be used to feature STEM and Climate Change themes with extensive information about Australian animals and fire safety. "

Author: Laura Roettiger

Illustrator: Debbie Palen

Publisher: Eifrig Publishing

Publication Date: 2/13/2024


📌 LauraRoettigerBooks.com 

📌 @ljrwritenow on IG, Twitter, and Bluesky

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⬇️ Author Erin Dealey shares about their picture book JUST FLOWERS.

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for budding botanists and gardeners of all ages."

📚 "This book can also be used for STEM discoveries, to celebrate spring, and to encourage random acts of kindness."

Author: Erin Dealey

Illustrator: Kate Cosgrove

Publisher: Sleeping Bear Press

Publication Date: March 2024


📌 erindealey.com   

📌 https://twitter.com/ErinDealey

📌 https://www.instagram.com/erindealey/ 

📌 https://www.katecosgrove.com/ 

📌 https://www.instagram.com/k8cosgrove/ 

📌 https://twitter.com/K8_Cosgrove 

📌 https://twitter.com/SleepingBearBks 

📌 https://www.instagram.com/sleepingbearpress/

Winter: A Solstice Story


⬇️ Author Kelsey E. Gross shares about their picture book WINTER: A SOLSTICE STORY:

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for kids who love animals and the magic of winter. It's a cozy winter read!"

📚 "This book can also be used to teach about hope, friendship, and kindness, as well as introduce the winter solstice."

Author: Kelsey E. Gross

Illustrator: Renata Liwska

Publisher: Paula Wiseman/ Simon & Schuster

Publication: October 10, 2023


📌 Website: kelseyegross.com 

📌 Instagram and X: @kelseyegross

Paula's Patches


⬇️ Author Gabriella Aldeman shares about their picture book PAULA'S PATCHES:


✨ "This is the perfect picture book to celebrate mending and reusing."


This book can also be used:
📚 to illustrate the power of creative thinking, empathy, and kindness.
📚 as a starting point to discuss consumerism and throw away culture.


Author: Gabriella Aldeman
Illustrator: Rocio Arreola Mendoza
Publisher: Free Spirit Publishing
Pub Date: July 2023


Follow Gabriella Aldeman:
📌 website: https://www.writebetween.com/
📌 IG and Twitter/X: @write_between

Heroes Don't Have to Fly


⬇️ Author Shannon Anderson shares about their picture book HEROES DON'T HAVE TO FLY: 

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for promoting kindness by using our words to encourage."

This book can also be used for:

📚 talking about bullying.

📚 sharing the power of our words.

Author: Shannon Anderson

Illustrator: Olga Demidova

Publisher: Clever Publishing

Publication Date: July 2023

Follow Shannon Anderson:

📌 www.shannonisteaching.com

📌 Facebook: authorshannonanderson

📌 Twitter:@shannonteaches

📌 Instagram: @shannonisteaching