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The Perfect Picture Book
Authors and illustrators share what their picture books are perfect for

The House That Ruth Built


⬇️ Author Kelly Bennett shares about their picture book THE HOUSE THAT RUTH BUILT:

✨ "This is the perfect picture book for baseball fans of all ages."

This book can also be used for:

📚 lyrical text & realistic illustrations for T-Ballers

📚 more than 100 years of  baseball history

📚 trivia & vintage photos for Fast-ballers

📚 Yankee Stadium and Babe Ruth! 

Author: Kelly Bennett

Illustrator: Susanna Covelli

Publisher: Familius

Publication Date/Year: March 2023


📌 www.kellybennett.com 

📌 @kellybennettbooks

📌 @familius

📌 @susannacovelliart